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Vision Automation and Robotic Solution

Parts Counting Man-made consciousness is set to upset the Machine Vision industry. Here are Qualitas, we’ve set out on this excursion almost 10 years back. With our aptitude in sending great over a 100 mechanical machine vision arrangements Vision Automation the whole way across the globe, we comprehend modern mechanization. We convey enormous incentive to use the…

          Machine Vision R&D Consultancy Automated Inspection with the help of Machine Vision and AI Technology Industries all around the globe compete hard to deliver products of the highest quality standards. To maintain or improve competitive inspection standards the methodology of quality control must be made efficient. Automation is an essential part of this improvement process as…

Optical Character Recognition

Why work with a vision system integrator Read complex characters with varying fonts and challenging backgrounds using cutting edge Artificial Intelligence technology Qualitas Technologies has developed an Optical Character Recognition (OCR) solution based on cutting edge Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology. OCR using Machine Vision is commonly used to read characters printed on packaging labels, currency, credit…

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