Machine Vision System

Many key tasks in the manufacture of products like inspection, orientation, identification, and assembly require the use of visual techniques. Human vision and response, however, can be slow and tend to be error-prone either due to boredom or fatigue. Replacing human inspection with machine vision can go far in automating factory operation, but implementers needContinue reading “Machine Vision System”

machine vision integrator

An increased number of manufacturing companies are integrating vision systems into their production processes to meet quality demands. Although Vision System vendors can offer a wide range of products, what most do not realize is that machine vision is not just about procuring equipment and installing them. Even with what sometimes would seem an easyContinue reading “machine vision integrator”

Optical Character Recognition

Qualitas Technologies has developed an Optical Character Recognition (OCR) solution based on cutting edge Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology. OCR using Machine Vision is commonly used to read characters printed on packaging labels, currency, credit cards, automotive parts like chassis, etc. Basically used for the purpose of identification, verification, tracing and tracking of character codes andContinue reading “Optical Character Recognition”

Machine Vision R&D Consultancy

If you’re a manufacturing company and interested in exploring what AI and Machine Vision can do for your business, we can engage in our R&D consultancy services. The engagement starts with a detailed study of your manufacturing processes and identifying potential areas where Machine Vision can be a good fit. This is typically a 3-dayContinue reading “Machine Vision R&D Consultancy”

Bearing Inspection

Architecture Diagram Our inspection system can easily detect roller defects (inner ring / outer ring/rollers). In the Automotive Industry bearing is a very critical component. Defects such are unfinished surfaces, scratches on machined surfaces, etc can occur due to either improper handling or processes. Our machine vision systems can be trained to look for theseContinue reading “Bearing Inspection”

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